Mel Mariposa logo in script


  • Are someone who lusts for a new adventure.
  • Know that what’s real is always worth it, and know a good investment in yourself will always pay off.
  • Are in need of intense self-care, and yearn for a companion who possesses a silent understanding of your desires.
  • Crave a respite from the mundane. You pine for an indulgent retreat, where your needs take centre stage. You wish to be attended to with personalised care and given undivided attention.
  • Seek someone who isn’t preoccupied by politics, their phone, or social media to unwind and decompress with. Where you can be the sole focus.
  • Long for the captivating charm of an alluring companion who radiates joy and effervescence to share smiles and laughter with.
  • Are looking to share time and space with someone who sparks inspiration, ignites your passions, and truly listens when you speak.


  • am The Adventuress. I radiate an infectious smile that spreads to those around me as our good times begin to flow. I am bubbly and outgoing — bordering on vivacious — but I'm sure you can find a good way to shut me up if you desire.
  • Take pleasure in providing luxury experiences. Luxury is not a checklist of brands you must own or wear.  True luxury is more about bespoke quality more than a popular name.
  • Consider myself infinitely adaptable and endlessly flexible. I am open-minded and laid back, embracing a “Live and Let Live” philosophy. If it doesn't hurt anyone, it's not my business.
  • Stand at 5’5” (5’9” in heels) with a quintessential hourglass figure. I wear a size "small" for bottoms, and the tag on my bra says 32GG.  They're not biodegradable, I'll save you from having to ask.
  • Enjoy growing both flowers and food.  I also have an arcade machine in my garage, a fire pit, a garden, and a couple of kayaks.  I live by the adage of creating a life you never need a vacation from. I have a penchant for rescues, and have 3 sibling cats and one dog who keep me company and brighten my world.
  • Am a simple person who lives a simple life on my own terms.  The world is complicated enough and I see no reason to add to that when my goal is to help you relax.
  • Am a multifaceted woman, awaiting your discovery and exploration. My degree is in Creative Technologies, which is the point where art and computers meet. I am also a retro and occasional modern gamer, 3-pedal enthusiast, hobby homesteader, home cook, writer, outdoorswoman, wish granter, entertainer, confidant, friend, and your muse.

If you saw yourself or the companion you seek in this writing, you are exactly where you need to be. Take the next step: Reserve your indulgence, and let's begin our adventure.

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